Democratization of AI & IT

From zero to IT and AI Expert in just 1 year.

What You Will Learn

Programming Skills

Learn: the most used programming language (Python) to a professional level (including computer networking, parallel computing, app development, game development, among others); how to use github for source control and much more.

Machine Learning

Learn cutting-edge technology such as deep learning and its recent variations.

Computer Vision

Learn how to make machines learn to classify images and detect objects in movies using recent deep learning algorithms.

Natural Language Processing

Make use of recent techniques (Word2Vec, Transformers, etc) to create and process text.

Data Processing and Analysis

Learn how and when to use the many tools for data processing and analysis such as normalization, clustering, autoencoder, among others.

Reinforcement Learning

Learn techniques used to control robots and other things which are rarely taught.

Our Values

Job Seeking Support

MiraiX TechGym supports job seeking by: (a) introducing students to companies directly, (b) creating a means of communication between companies and students; and (c) aiding the creation of individual CVs/portfolios enhanced with final course projects.

Efficiency & Rhythm

We will teach in 1 year far beyond what is learned during 6 years in most universities. In fact, MiraiX TechGym's graduates will be better apted to apply IT and AI because it is a practice course. To achieve this efficiently, students have small weekly tasks and associated Q&A sections to sharp their IT and AI skills.

Easy & State-of-the-Art

The materials are created by top AI research professionals, with state-of-the-art techniques not even taught in top institutions. Despite this, most of the content will be explained with easy to understand figures and graph rather than complicated math.

Industry Qualification & Support

Diploma, Job seeking support

Study Duration

Full course: 1 year
Advanced course: 6 months


10 hours weekly


Full course: Basic computer skills and min. computer specs
Advanced course: Expert programming skills (Python)


Weekly online classes, daily task submission, feedback and support

Starting Date

To be defined, 2024



Full Course (AI & IT)

1 year course

$ 600400/month
  • Price: Inauguration Discount
  • Ideal for Beginners!
  • Weekly Online Classes
  • Weekly Feedback + Support Sessions
  • Industry Qualification: IT (Python) Diploma
  • Industry Qualification: AI Diploma
  • Job Seeking Support
  • Low Requirement: basic computer skills
  • Requirement: advanced programming
Apply Now

Advanced Course (AI only)

6 months course

$ 600400/month
  • Price: Inauguration Discount
  • Ideal for Beginners!
  • Weekly Online Classes
  • Weekly Feedback + Support Sessions
  • Industry Qualification: IT (Python) Diploma
  • Industry Qualification: AI Diploma
  • Job Seeking Support
  • Low Requirement: basic computer skills
  • Requirement: advanced programming (Python)
Apply Now


Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas

Course Coordinator, Chief Executive Officer

Assoc. Professor and Lab Head at Kyushu University, Visiting Researcher at the University of Tokyo and CEO and Founder at MiraiX. With more than 10 years research experience in machine learning and artificial intelligence, Prof. Vargas is a leading researcher recognized worldwide. In fact, he was cited more than 2500 times and had research featured in BBC news among other media.

Registration Form



Fukuoka, Japan

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